For larger animals (sheep, cattle, alpacas etc) it is important to calculate the number of worm eggs per gram of droppings FEC (faecal egg count) as most will show some level of worm presence and the exact load will decide what treatment is necessary. This is particularly important with sheep as many flocks now have increasing resistance to the traditional drenches used.
For smaller animals and birds (hedgehogs, racing pigeons etc) the presence of worm at any level requires intervention so the exact number is not as important but can still be calculated.
We offer two kits:
The mini Flotac system which is ideal for multiple tests on larger animals
The Mcmaster system that can be used both for counting eggs or simple identification. This is perhaps better choice for small animals and racing pigeons
However, either system can be used for both purposes and much will depend on personal choice. The images below, for each kit, will give an idea of the processes used. Irrespective of the kit chosen full instructions are provided with photographs of what you are looking for. Both systems really are simple to use - you do need a microscope as well of course. Both methods use the same basic principle of thoroughly mashing droppings in a solution and loading some of the filtered fluid into a counting chamber. If a count is not required straight onto a microscope slide.
Mini Flotac Kit
Mini Flotac Kit
Everything needed is supplied:
Droppings are homogenised in the plunger unit with the supplied fluid.
The 2 chambers of the circular counting chamber are filled and left for 10 minutes.
Eggs present will float to the top of the fluid.
The top of the chamber is twistedand any eggs are pushed over onto thecounting area.
The whole circular unit is then examined under the microscope.
Mcmaster Kit
Mcmaster Kit
Everything needed is supplied:
Droppings are mashed in the solution and passed through the sieve.
The Mcmaster slide is filled as shown if counting is needed.
If identification only is needed then the flotation fluid allows eggs to float to the top of the tube.